
Ultra Tech Sonic Solutions Ultrasonic welding machine supplier in Bangalore


Instrument panels, glove box/knee bolsters, instrument clusters, interior trim, HVAC housings, intake manifolds, carbon canisters, electronic modules, bottles, resonators, exterior lighting for Automotive ( Automobile ) Industry.


Cardiometry reservoirs, blood & gas filters, IV spikes, face masks, implantable devices, insulin pumps, drug delivery systems, surgical gowns for Medical Industry.


Corrugated boxes sealing machine,Condiment dispensers, blister packages, juice pouches, juice/milk cartons and spouts, pantyhose packages, plastic coated paper cups, toothpaste tubes for Packaging Industry.

Commercial & Electrical

Inkjet and toner cartridges, media storage devices, battery packs, connectors, sensors, cell phones, audio / video cassettes, floppy / micro disks for Commercial & Electrical Industry.

White Goods

Steam irons, pump housing, vacuum cleaner sub-assemblies, dishwasher spray arms, refrigerator components for White Goods Industry.

Textiles / Film Technology

Quilted and laminated fabrics, nonwoven materials, bedspreads, mattress pads, diapers, air and liquid filters, hook and loop materials for Textiles and Film Industry.